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Below is a list of topics that I have written or co-written articles on in the past. To learn more information on any of these topics, click on the subjects below and read abstracts from these articles and that link to online resources containing the full stories.

Population Health Management
Population Health Management is the science of studying and improving the health status of entire populations or communities. It is comprehensive and aspires to keep the well - well while reducing the illness burden of those who are dealing with acute illness or chronic conditions.
Pharmacy Quality Improvement
Pharmacy Quality Improvement is a clinically intensive view of prescribing and delivering medication with the intent of getting the right medication prescribed and taken appropriately based on evidence based guidelines and best efforts of medication adherence.
Medical Home
Medical Home is a movement to feature a center hub for all patients to coordinate their can and be accountable for results. It is based on research demonstrating the value of collaborative integrated health care delivery and the recognition that the present system in America is disorganized and wasteful.
Workplace Health
Workplace Health is the discipline that recognizes the opportunity that the worksite can provide to deliver care and to build a culture of health. It begins with addressing the occupational health needs working with environmental health and safety specialists and then progresses to individual care and population health.
Physician Executive Careers
There are six constituencies in health care - patients, providers, payers, purchasers, vendors and consultants. All of these require medical leadership. This domain explores the remarkable opportunities that abound for today’s physician executive.
Physician Real-time Decision Support
This is the study of methodologies and tools to aid the first line provider with the best information available to make real-time medical decisions at the bedside and in the examination room.
The Value of the Trusted Clinician
The literature is replete with evidence that the trusted clinician - most often a primary care provider - has tremendous influence on the behavior of his or her patients. Outcome are not just based on accurate diagnosis and appropriate evidence based treatment. They are also determined by treatment compliance and medication adherence. This is where the value of trusted clinical relationships manifests itself.
Health & Productivity
There is an increasing body of knowledge demonstrating the impact health can have on the productivity of a workforce. This discipline dedicates resources to the greater understanding that a healthy workforce is a competitive advantage.
Pay for Performance
Capitation payments made famous during the managed care era have long been criticized because they may reward under-utilization. Fee for service payments while less criticized clearly reward over-utilization and may be chiefly responsible for the present state of health care. A possible future solution is to compensate and reward providers of health care services at least in part based on their ability to improve the health status of the patients they serve. This is called pay for performance.
Connection between Health & Wealth
This study demonstrated a correlation between companies that were recognized for their commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing of their workforce and superior stock performance.
Healthcare Transformation
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Total Care Management
Learn more about my Award Winning book and how I am a "doctor's doctor!"

I would like to share this hobby of mine with you. Click here to view some of my personal collection of photographs from around the world.